Highlighting helps you discover patterns Automatically saves your game when you get a phone call, switch applications, or lock the phone Save your game while you try alternatives Never covers up the board while you are playing User interface optimized for fewer touches Advanced techniques at the higher levels, including X-Wings, sashimi fish, and XY-Chains Solver helps you with games from the newspaper Large, high contrast digits are easier to read 17 difficulty levels, something for everyone Scan puzzles from books/newspaper using camera Our hints ease those frustrating moments and teach you how to be a better player. Our multi-stage hint system starts with a gentle reminder to get you back on track, and works up to an illustration of the exact technique to use and how it applies to the current board. The more you play, the more you will enjoy it! Our tutorial, extensive feature set, and advanced hint system offer something for every player. With unlimited play at seventeen difficulty levels, novices and experienced players alike will appreciate :) Sudoku +.